Controversy Over Changes to Unfair Dismissal Rules

ByTyndallwoods October 27, 2011

According to a leaked government report, unproductive workers should lose their right to pursue a claim for unfair dismissal. This statement is based on the ‘terrible impact’ unfair dismissal rules have on the efficiency and competitiveness of businesses. According to Mr Beecroft – the author of the report – the current rules make it ‘difficult to prove that someone deserves to be dismissed and demand a process for doing so which is so lengthy and complex that it is hard to implement’.

Such a statement can only be made by someone who does not understand the law relating to unfair dismissal. There are ways in which an employer can legitimately terminate the employment of an employee who is unproductive. The process is neither lengthy, complex nor difficult to implement.

The area that really needs to be addressed is the ease at which a disgruntled employee can pursue a claim for unfair dismissal. It is hoped that increasing the qualifying period for unfair dismissal claims from 1 to 2 years and the introduction of fees at the Employment Tribunal will sift out the disgruntled employees from those employees who have genuinely suffered at the hands of their Employers.

Kate Garrett
Employment Team at Tyndallwoods

Dispute Resolution & Civil Litigation Team Profile

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